It's not usually good for a homeowner to try to manage their own concrete cutting, as concrete may be reinforced with steel or another material; if you don't know to look for this material, your attempts at cutting concrete could simply result in damaged tools. The job can also be messier than you realize with having to manage the dust and the water you may need to use to make your cuts. When calling for concrete cutting, note a few factors that you'll want to mention to your contractor so he or she knows what to expect and the job gets done right.
Note if it's inside and any lack of ventilation
Some concrete is so thick that a contractor may need to use a gas-powered saw, as a gas-powered saw is much stronger than an electric model. However, in an enclosed space, this can mean too many fumes and too much exhaust. A contractor may need to bring a hydraulics-powered saw instead, or they may need to bring special breathing apparatus that protects them while cutting in a location without proper ventilation.
Mention any aggregate or multiple layers of materials
Many concrete surfaces will have an aggregate added. This is a type of gravel, pebbles, glass, or other material put over the top layer of concrete to add texture and visual appeal. This material can be harder than the concrete itself and it might get damaged with standard concrete cutting tools. If there is sand under the concrete or added as a layer to help absorb moisture, this too can require different cutting tools. Note these multiple layers of material or an aggregate when talking with your concrete cutter so they know what tools to bring for the job.
Tell them why the concrete is being cut
If you need to run a small conduit through concrete, a concrete cutter may want to drill rather than cut the concrete to create a small rounded hole. If you need concrete broken up so you can have it removed and a new garage floor or driveway installed, they may want to bring larger tools that aren't as precise as the ones needed to cut a space for a new basement window. A contractor may ask why the concrete needs to be cut but if not, be sure you note this to him or her so they can bring the right tools and also suggest a different cutting method than you had assumed would be needed.